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映智科技官網- 前後台規劃
Role: PM、UX Designer


iMD is Taiwan's leading fingerprint identification technology expert. It coincides with the needs of companies' stock listings and overseas market expansion. It designs solutions for them that use the concept of web 360 to allow customers to interact in various fingerprint identification application scenarios. In order to respond to customers According to different needs, the official website also provides a chip screening library, so that customers can initially screen out products that suit them according to their needs, and then contact iMD.

映智科技為台灣首屈一指的指紋辨識技術專家,適逢企業股票上市、拓展海外市場等需求,為他們設計利用web 360 的概念去讓客戶可以互動在各種指紋辨識應用情境的解決方案,且為了因應客戶的不同需求,官網上亦有提供晶片篩選庫,讓客戶可以初步依據需求篩選出適合自己的產品後與映智做聯繫。



臺北文創APP 改版- 前後台規劃
Role: PM、UX Designer


臺北文創大樓的APP 從2015 上線後至2021 都未依據功能及易用性做優化,因此有需多的功能失效、連結失效或是流程繁瑣易讓使用者迷路的狀況發生,因此在2021 年時,即為臺北文創APP 重新拆解現有架構並重組為易用性較佳的使用者體驗流程、增加使用者使用率。

第一次開啟APP 時直接顯示首頁,並且各個分類( 例如 文創On Air) 的內容都是直接以大圖攤在首頁,導致首頁活動滑不完,且納入太多外導連結但後台卻無法編輯移除,所以有許多失效連結在首頁上。
也因為APP 內並沒有規劃會員專區,因此必須要到活動報名頁才能開始註冊/ 登入、或是查詢自己是否有報名過此活動。

場地租借預設為室內平面圖,對於需要租借場地的使用者來說這樣並無法第一眼看到他們想要的資訊,且若查看完場地相關資訊後,APP 內也沒有完整的詢問或租借流程可以繼續進行,因此需求洽談的體驗容易因此無下文。

第一次開啟APP 的user,先顯示此登入/ 註冊畫面,引導還未使用此APP 報名活動的使用者也先註冊成為會員,藉此增加註冊會員的數量。會員中心建立起來,也可協助使用者做收藏活動等功能,也可把相關設定整併進來若會員資料已填妥,日後報名時就不用再次輸入所有資料,日後如需增加其他會員功能時也方便做應用。
首頁的部份將各個分類以carousel 的方式做滑動,並給予後台讓管理者可以隨時新增、編輯內容。



VIVE Reality System

Role: UX Designer


The tools and environments that make up Vive Reality System aim to make spatial computing accessible to everyone, wherever their journey into immersive worlds takes them. We want VR to feel less like launching apps and instead like stepping between worlds.”

Vive Reality System is very much focused on social interactions and all that entails. Users will be able to connect with each other and partake in activities such as watching videos, playing games, and "other creative experiences".


It can be regarded as a new UI interface of Vive, and it is composed of Interfaces such as System UI, Identity, Origin, Discovery, Watch, Share, etc., mainly to make the user experience of VR players smoother and more like realistic life.

HTC Alexa

HTC Alexa​​

Role: UX Designer/ Project Owner


The HTC U11 with HTC Alexa is the world's first smartphone to launch Amazon's Alexa voice service hands-free by simply saying 'Alexa'.

With Always-On Microphone capability, even when you're not using your phone you can wake up your phone by just asking; "Alexa, what's the weather today?" or "Alexa, turn on my living room lights." Alexa will respond anywhere and anytime

Edge Sense also works seamlessly with Alexa. When you want a discreet way to reach Alexa, squeeze your HTC U11 to wake Alexa and just ask.


HTC Alexa gives you fast, easy access to Alexa's extensive services.

- Shop for birthday presents.
- Create a shopping list.
- Get a Flash Briefing from your favorite news sources.
- Listen to music, audiobooks, and so much more...

ASUS Robot

Zenbo OOBE​​

Role: UX Designer/ Project Owner


Plan the restoration process, adjust the initial setup structure, shorten the set time, and let users have a better experience when they first experience Zenbo.

Zenbo Music、Zenbo Video
Role: UX Designer/ Project Owner


Multi-music service

Streaming KKBOX, Spotify, YouTube and other entertainments, adjust the background play and search function, and providing high-quality speakers through Zenbo, provide you with excellent sound experience.


Zenbo Recipe​​

Role: UX Designer/ Project Owner


Improve the function of the timer and user can use the voice to reading recipe steps to make the cooking easier and more convenient.

Zenbo Settings​​

Role: UX Designer/ Project Owner


Optimize the Settings architecture, add emergency mode settings, backup settings, and do not disturb mode to make it more close to the user's habits, to achieve a clear and understandable architecture.

Zenbo Mobile IOS

Role: UX Designer/ Project Owner


The first IOS system Zenbo Mobile App in ASUS, allowing users to interact with Zenbo cross-platform through the App.


Through the far-end video function, you can always know the status of your home when you are away from home, and you can also turn on video calls to care for family members.

The mobile remote camera allows you to monitor your home when you are out.


Emergency call mechanism
In the event of an emergency, hit Zenbo's head four times, or call "Help" or you can customize for a special sentence. After the emergency contact receives the message, you can confirm the situation through video.

*Cancel in 10 seconds








UCraft | Web


Role: UI / UX Designer



Smart retail platform that utilizes the idle space of the store based on the O2O model

The main output of this project is APP and website, as the service smart retail media platform for the store and the designer. The main purpose is 
1. Improve store exposure
2. Bring the crowds to the store 
3. Activate idle space
4. Provide idle manpower as a micro-entrepreneurship to create additional revenue.

The web side is mainly provided to the designer and the store to make the match.



本計畫主要產出物為 APP 及網站,作為提供店家與手做設計師的服務智慧零售媒合平台,主要目的在於 1. 提升店家曝光率 2. 帶動店家人潮 3. 閒置空間再利用 4. 提供閒置人力作為微型創業創造額外收益。






UCraft | App


Role: UI / UX Designer​


The App side is mainly provided to the general consumers for searching and community discussion.

In general, consumers can directly browse through the homepages to see which stores they like and provide community functions. They can discuss common interests with people with the same preferences.

And provide features such as tracking stores to make it easier for consumers to find.





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